Motivation Scanner

Connecting customers and companies




The soul purpose or DNA of your company dictates the dynamics of your business. It is the starting point of everything you do and it is the first and foremost ingredient of any activity you initiate. It defines who you are. By identifying what you offer, what your behavior is, with whom you work, how you plan to reach your goals and, most importantly, why you do what you do, we can accurately describe your core values and competences. With the Company Maslow model, we can dive right into the heart and soul of your business, This allows us to start the alignment process using the Yiist MotivationScannertm.

Yiist – Change Agents uses an approach that allows for a quick assessment of your why, how and what and refines the details with behaviour and social aspects.



Understanding customer behavior allows you to focus on the priority KPI: customer satisfaction. Knowing which touch-points are important during a customer journey, makes the difference between failure or success. Instead of simply describing a market, we zoom in on the actual customer and their behavior towards your offering. Doing so, we capture the motivators of customer connection.

By focusing on the essential characteristics, Yiist – Change Agents helps getting a clear customer profile first and then converts in into a True Personatm, This is much more than just a customer profile or a basic persona often used for marketing communications.



Once you know what matters to you and what matters to your customer, Yiist – Change Agents leads you through an alignment session using the MotivationScanner. This straight-forward methodology connects the dots between all levels of personal and functional needs, experiences and emotions, right through to the insights you need to turn a supply chain into a value chain.

In a relatively short session, all aspects of customer understanding come to life. In an easy to use model, we get a clear overview of all aspects that influence the success of your interaction with your customer base.



The most important result of a MotivationScan is a large set of insights. These relate directly to your company dynamics and customer behavior and how these align.

Not only will you get a clear picture of yourself and your customer, you will also uncover the motivators, blind spots and hidden connections between what you do and what your customer expects. On all levels. From product development to marketing communication and from company alignment to customer experience.



The whole point of a MotivationScan is to improve your business without changing your operations. We call this the Smart Shift. Based on the outcome of the Yiist intervision session, you will have a true understanding of the difference between your actual situation and the desirable situation.

By putting the customer center stage and aligning your activities to your brand promise, everyone involved understands immediately what it is all about.

With the help of visual True Persona cards, print-outs and the Yiist company handbook, you can Smart Shift your business.



The big advantage of the Yiist methodology is that it functions as a starting point for all your business intelligence, systems and protocols. Whether you wish to make your company LEAN, drive growth through methods such as the Rockefeller Habits, or deploy CRM or big data systems, the MotivationScanner can jumpstart the effectivity of your operations.

Yiist does not change your company, it changes your perspective and it changes how you interact with your colleagues, suppliers and customers.



Practical usage of the customer insights are plenty: customer journey, UX design, content marketing, tone of voice, message tree, corporate identity, company alignment and business development are merely a few of the areas that can be addressed with the result of the MotivationScanner.

Yiist – Change Agents delivers an easy to use, straightforward set of True Persona’s that anyone in your operation can use to improve their customer understanding. And in doing so, business as usual results to smiles and high fives.

Learn what we can do for you.

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